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Summer Sessions

This is one of the Fun activities at Summerway. It occurs weekly throughout the open season while the Supervision Rota is running. Summer Sessions are always held on one of the evenings not chosen for group coaching by John and Linda, but can vary from week to week for the benefit of those with an outside activity of higher priority which clashes. Consult the Supervision Rota to find when the sessions are scheduled. The time is constant, being from 6.45 to 8.30pm.

Having only two courts and with the Summer Sessions being fairly popular with those in the lower coaching grades, a number of games have been devised which safely occupy a good number of players at a time. Usually, four or five parents run and assist the activities, supported by Jim in an advising or scoring capacity. The parents who volunteer their services in this fashion clearly demonstrate the strength of Summerway where everyone is expected to chip in and play an active part in providing the constructive environment so beneficial to the youngsters.

A bit of history might be of interest. Following an occasion some years ago when 44 members of all abilities turned up for one of the Summer Sessions, a group of parents suggested that an alternative session for Grades 1 and 2 should take place from 4.45 to 6.30pm before the regular session. This obtained the approval of the Committee, and ran well for two or three years. Eventually, those families dwindled as their youngsters passed their eighteenth birthdays, and the alternative sessions lapsed. Since then, very few of the more competent players have attended the regular sessions, which is a pity as many of the games run a lot better with those who rally well and have a greater range of shots.

They may be called Summer Sessions, but the weather does not always realise what is required of it! Over the years, we have found that there are very few occasions when it is impossible to get on court, so it is suggested that players turn up when the weather is doubtful. An adult is always there to make a decision and some play is usually possible.

These Sessions contribute strongly to the fine social harmony within the Club.