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The Club is completely non-commercial, and exists solely for the benefit of its Junior Playing Members. The Management Committee, consisting mainly of past and present parents of members, is responsible for administration, with all officers and committee members acting in an honorary capacity and with no paid staff. Consequently, fees are low as they only need to meet running expenses. Special acknowledgement is due to the Devon County Council which leases the premises to the Club for a peppercorn rent. This enables one of the prime Summerway objectives which is to make Tennis, usually an elite sport on account of cost, available to the great majority of families in the community.

The £28.00 Joining Fee is payable by all New Members and covers the period to the end of the year of enrolment. For those joining late in the year, there are Renewal Concessions set against the Annual Subscription for the following year.

The Annual Subscription falls due on 1st January each year for those wishing to maintain their membership. This is currently 75% of the Joining Fee, being £21.00 for the first member of a family. Each subsequent member of the family renewing pays £4.00 less than the next sibling up. The second and third siblings would renew at £17.00 and £13.00 respectively. This eases the expense to those with larger families. Prompt Payment Discounts also apply for each and every renewing member. These are £3.00, £2.00 and £1.00 for those renewing in January, February and March respectively. The full subscription is payable from April onwards - if any places remain!